Section: New Results

Path Functors in the Category of Small Categories

Participant : François Lamarche.

In [31] François Lamarche gives a detailed description of two path functors in the category of small categories, which he calls 𝐏𝐞 and 𝐏, and proves some of their important properties. The second of these is the functor which is used to model the Martin-Löf identity type in  [47] ; it associates to every small category X an internal category structure whose object of objects is X; one important theorem which is proved in [31] is that the category of internal (co- or contravariant) presheaves on 𝐏X coincides with the category of Grothendieck bifibrations over the base X. Thus, through a trivial use of monadic abstract nonsense, we can say that 𝐏X is the free bifribration over X. The category 𝐏X is obtained by taking the bigger 𝐏𝐞X, which is a little more than just a category, being poset-enriched, and getting rid of the order enrichment by quotienting. 𝐏𝐞X is a more general kind of bifibration than an ordinary Grothendieck bifibration, and the enrichment is necessary to describe its properties, thus taking us outside of the theory 1-categores.